Build a Meal Series: Choosing Healthful Ingredients
In the first part of the series, we looked at "pre-prepping" as a way to save time, money, and increase health and productivity. This week's discussion is on what type of foods you will be pre-prepping with.
All good plans, whether you are building a home, creating a painting or planting a garden they all start with a foundation. Building a foundation requires a blueprint ,a design, guidelines, specifications, equipment, proper materials and a willing committed person or team to achieve the final product. Your health should be no different.
What follows is a renegade protocol. Renegade, in that you will be going against the convention of convenience, commercialization and advertising. It is your pre-work, the cornerstone of where the new you begins. You will be a renegade for nutritional change in your life! It is not expected that you complete all areas in one week or even one month. Some of you will approach this with fervour and vim, for others it may appear a daunting task. The commitment to change must be held to. For some, you will have already been incorporating or doing some of the attached suggestions. In that regard, use it as a reminder to continue on the path to health and focus on other areas in which you desire change.
In the natural health world you notice that there are always new words or terminology being bantered about. In an industry that is inundated with words like gluten free (spawn:“non celiac gluten free” (NCGF)), superfoods, antioxidants, antiviral, anti-anything, low carb, no carb, paleo, immune boosting and on and on, I thought I start with a definition. Healthful according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary is defined as “….favorable to the health of mind or body; healthful implies a positive contribution to a healthy condition…” (1)
Why healthful? Here are some motivating answers:
eating healthy will help you lose weight by resetting your metabolism
it will give you a natural level of energy
it will help remove toxins from your body, naturally and in turn will assist the healing of the body inside and out
you will clear and sharpen your thinking and mood
and it will boost your immune
Bottomline, eating this way is “restorative”, a synonym for healthful. These guidelines are your foundation. Following these guidelines is guaranteed to be restorative to your health, regardless of what condition you currently are dealing with.
Now, I would love to give you all the whys and the what nots to all the information you are about to read, but that would make this a book. This is not a book, but a snapshot of some of the most highly touted eating habits of healthy professionals and individuals around the globe. The following guidelines have been developed out of 18 years of personal and professional study, experience and research. Not one item is “just because”. There are numerous studies, research, on why you should eliminate certain foods and focus on others. For confirmation, source any credible independently funded medical journal or science professional. I will include some references for lesser known topics. Keep in mind, that a corporation’s best interest is making money; what is in your best interest is making health. Purchase from companies that have the same goals as you do. That folks is called a ‘renegade attitude with a view to conscious living’.
“Very simply, we subsidize high-fructose corn syrup in this country, but not carrots. While the surgeon general is raising alarms over the epidemic of obesity, the president is signing farm bills designed to keep the river of cheap corn flowing, guaranteeing that the cheapest calories in the supermarket will continue to be the unhealthiest.”
― Michael Pollan, The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals
When you start will be strongly correlated with how lousy you or your family feel. Sixteen years ago, with mounting digestive woes, I took one week and overhauled everything in my cupboard and fridge. Out went the sugar, out went the soda drinks, sugar laden snacks, out went anything overly processed. Other items, I transitioned in. When we finished the product, I purchased healthier options in its place. Over time, natural, whole ingredients and fresh food became the standard. The key is to start. Set a goal. Do you want change over a week? Over a month? Six months? Make a grocery list every week of the items you plan to replace and then do it. Make a plan and work the plan. There is no other way to accomplish great things in the kitchen. Being perfect is not the goal, the goal is to be 'healthier'.
“Let today be the day that you become committed in being, in doing, in getting, achieving, in experiencing. Let today be the day that you are committed to being the change you wish to see and living the life you wish to live.” ― Steve Maraboli, Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience
Driving principal: do less, less travelled, less pre-packaged, less processed, less adulterated foods, less ingredients.
Here we go,
if not already doing so, read your labels! Anything that you can’t pronounce or has as many letters as a Greek relative’s last name, is probably not good for you.
sweeten you life, in moderation: choose raw honey, stevia, maple syrup, coconut palm sugar, yacon or use soaked dried fruits to sweeten dishes. Remove refined and processed sugars (white and any sugars ending is “ose”: fructose, sucrose, glucose, galactose, natural fruits are okay!). Avoid high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and artificial sweeteners . Sugar triggers the same centre in the brain as opiates, it is addictive and responsible for an array of health problems. 'Sugar alternatives' have been linked with altering gut micro biomes and altering taste buds, making you crave sweeter foods constantly, leading to weight gain! (2,3,4)
add brown rice and whole grain breads and pastas, if tolerated. Remove or reduce refined flours or grains (white or bleached, white rice, white breads, crackers and pasta).
add in ( if dairy is tolerated) alternative more digestible protein forms: organic plain goat/sheep yogurt, kefir.The human body is able to digest goat and sheep dairy more readily due to it’s protein structure that closer resembles that of human milk. They also contain higher minerals like zinc and calcium.
add in fermented foods: kimchi, sauerkraut, kefir and kombucha. Making your own, allows you to control the additives.
add in quinoa, amaranth, teff, nut and legume flours (almond, hazelnut, chickpea, lentil ) coconut, fonio, rice and corn (organic only).
Due to hybridization and glyphosate use on wheat, seek out organic only or Einkorn wheat products (subject to your personal health issues). Opt to go "gluten free" by eliminating wheat, spelt, kamut, rye, barley and be aware of any subtle changes in energy, mood, digestion or preexisting health conditions.
add mineral rich sea salt or natural seasonings to dishes. Avoiding table salt (contains only sodium and chloride) and sea salt in some 'bulk forms' as they may contain anti-caking agents. Read labels. (5)
choose flavoured salts or herbal seasoning mixes to flavour your dishes; avoid monosodium glutamate and derivatives like yeast extract, autolyzed yeast and hydrolyzed proteins. MSG has been linked to headaches, rashes, tingling and numbness, flushing, nausea, rapid heartbeat and sweating to name a few. Although a natural substance found in some foods, the health effects may have to do with the processing ingredients used like sugar cane and beet sugar which are GMO. (6)
know the difference between “ites” and “ates”; Sodium nitrate is a type of natural salt; nitrates can be found in cured deli meats, bacon, sausages, some canned goods, smoked goods. Nitrates are found naturally in almost all vegetables like spinach, lettuce, beetroot and celery, for example. Celery extract (natural nitrate) is used in the natural food industry for curing meat and may be used as an alternative.Consume in moderation. Avoid charring or eating cured meat that has been burnt, it releases heterocyclic amines, (HCA) which are known carcinogens.
Sodium nitrite is also a type of salt, but is not found naturally and is created in a lab or as a byproduct of two other chemical reactions (i.e. when sodium nitrate is added to food and reacts with existing chemicals). Nitrites occur naturally in our gut as a byproduct of our digestion process. Avoid purchasing ‘cured’ goods with nitrites. If digestion is severely compromised, or you have other GI issues, it is strongly recommended to avoid ‘ites’ and ‘ates’.
look for products grown locally without pesticides/herbicides; antibiotic and hormone free; look for labels indicating Non-GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms) or purchase “Certified Organic” wherever possible. When purchasing local produce ask for farmers that have not used GMO seeds or Glyphosate (Round Up) spray on crops. Buyer beware, oats can be “non-GMO”, but if they are not organic they generally sprayed with glyphosate (WHO defines glyphosate as “probable human carcinogen) in order to harvest the grain.
add natural and organic dried fruits. Look for raw natural, organic if feasible, nuts and seeds. Avoid sulphites used as a preservative in dried fruits. Sulphites have been known to cause reactions in people. Organic wines tend not to have additional sulphites added; sulphites in wine is naturally occurring substance.
seek local, antibiotic and hormone free and/or organic meats and eggs; wild or sustainable seafood, not farmed. Get to know where your meat comes from and what they feed them. The majority of chickens (70%) in the USA market have arsenic in there feed to give them that juicy plump look. (7), (10)
eliminate soda pop; opt for tea and home made juices (orange, apple, lemon etc). Avoid purchasing commercial juices, especially “from concentrate”. Concentrate is very high in sugar. (8)
drink spring water or filtered water. Opt for distilled water or reverse osmosis when soaking nuts, seeds, grains and legumes. Distilled water is devoid of minerals and proper electrolyte balance and can be used for cleanses as a way to pull toxins from the body, but only for short periods of time (a few weeks).
add non-dairy alternative beverages likes almond, cashew, coconut, hemp, rice, oat (preferably home made as commercial brands contain more water, sugar and additives then the nutrient). If purchasing commercial, avoid brands with sugar, carrageenan, and xanthum gum or artificial preservatives or flavourings. Check labels on condiments as well for these ingredients.
when purchasing fruits or vegetables, aim for organic; if not feasible follow the Dirty 12 and Clean 15 chart published yearly by the Environmental Working Group (
you will be removing all foods that contain hydrogenated oils, artificial flavour, colour or preservatives. Ingredients listed as “natural flavour” can be artificial and misleading.
herbs should be non-irradiated and replaced yearly. Irradiation is a process where the food is exposed to radiation to kill parasites, mold, bacteria etc. Not only does this reduce the quality of the herb but the aroma and full nutrients. Grow your own and dry them seasonally for maximum freshness and nutrients. (5)
replace plastic food containers with glass; cook with cast iron, ceramic or porcelain, terracotta and /or stainless steel pans and pots. Repurpose store bought glass containers. Be sure to clean and sterilize for subsequent uses.
preference to ditching the microwave. I have found no reliable scientific studies on the debate of whether or not it denatures the molecules in food, but it does use radiation to create heat and that translates to electromagnetic radiation (EMR). Yes, you can stand 3 feet away, but who does? Opt for less radiation in a already over-radiated home environment.
aluminum foil: avoid and instead use glassware or porcelain containers to cook or wrap your cold leftovers. When cooking, the leached aluminum of food wrapped in foil is above the permissible limit set by the World Health Organization. (Strong link between aluminum and Alzheimers disease). If you must, place parchment paper wrap between the food and the foil, then reheat. (11)
These guidelines are meant as general recommendations; dietary selections should be in line with any pre-existing allergies, medical conditions or food intolerances. Check with your medical professional before undertaking any dietary changes. Now that you have some direction, take the time to be purposeful in your desire to change you health and that of your family's.
“Lack of direction, not lack of time, is the problem. We all have twenty-four hour days.”
― Zig Ziglar
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Additional References:
3. Spencer, M., et al. (2016). Artificial Sweeteners: A Systematic Review and Primer for Gastroenterologists. J Neurogastroenterol Motil, 22(2), 168-
4. Suez, J., Koram, T., Zilberman-Schapira, G., Segal, E., Elinav, E. (2015). Non-caloric artificial sweeteners and the microbiome: findings and challenges. Gut Microbes, 6(2), 149-155. doi: 10.1080/19490976.2015.1017700